Ways to Manage Your Yeast Infections And Menstrual Cycle? 

May 26, 2022

yeast infection and menstrual cycle

You may believe you know everything there is to know about maintaining your lady parts in good condition, but you could be mistaken. Many women are still hesitant to discuss or share tips on maintaining feminine hygiene. They do not feel free to talk about their yeast infection and menstrual cycle. However, knowing about vaginal hygiene is essential. Menstrual hygiene is just as crucial as your overall body hygiene. It protects personal health from infectious diseases, skin irritations, and other problems. In addition, it can help us maintain our confidence and self-esteem and feel at ease with a healthy Menstrual cycle. So, in addition to meeting with your gynecologist, you can read up on the critical information about yeast infection and menstrual cycle mentioned in this article to know more about menstrual health. Here are some tips for treating and maintaining your yeast infection and menstrual cycle.

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What Is A Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infection, also referred to as vaginal candidiasis, vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), or genital candidiasis, is an infection caused due to fungus or yeast that affects the female reproductive system. Candida albicans is the fungus most usually associated with a vaginal yeast infection. It accounts for up to 92 percent of all cases, with the remainder due to other Candida species. These fungi and microbes can be found all over the body,most commonly in warm and moist areas. According to studies, up to 20% to 50% of all women have bacteria in their vaginal area without experiencing any symptoms. However, when Candida albicans grows in the vaginal area to the point of infectious disease, it causes vaginal inflammation, irritation, odor, discharge, and itching.

Certain microorganisms or bacteria inside the vagina typically keep C Albicans from developing out of control. However, if the stability of those microorganisms becomes out of balance, C Albicans can grow uncontrollably and result in signs of yeast infections. The use of certain medicines together with antibiotics, modifications in hormone levels, or certain illnesses are examples of things that may permit vaginal yeast contamination to expand. 

Yeast infection affects 75% of all women at some point. Even Though a yeast infection can not be transmitted through sexual intercourse, 12% to 15% of men, on estimation, will experience symptoms such as itchiness and penile rash after sexual contact with an infected partner.

A vaginal yeast infection is not dangerous under normal conditions and one can effectively treat them with medications. However, if left untreated, a vaginal yeast infection can indicate the presence of a more serious underlying medical condition or lead to severe complications.


How To Treat Yeast Infections? 

It’s important to know that there are many different types of yeast when considering treatment for a vaginal yeast infection. Therefore, depending on the type of yeast infection, your doctor may recommend various treatments.

A vaginal yeast infection can usually treated with an antifungal medication prescribed by your doctor. This type of treatment helps cure yeast overgrowth in the body. Oral and topical medications are both available. Your healthcare provider or doctor will provide you with facts and information on each type of medication and how to use it properly. Continue reading to learn how to treat yeast infection while maintaining menstrual hygiene.

Maintain a clean labial area

Make sure you wash everything properly. You may not realize it, but changing PH levels make women more susceptible to bacterial infection during their period. Even if you’re not on your period, doctors suggest washing your genitals twice daily. Warm water is preferable, but if you must use soap, choose one with a gentle, natural formula that is delicate on intimate skin. It is recommended not to attempt cleaning the inside of your vagina because it is self-cleaning! Instead, simply cleanse your vulva and surrounding areas gently, and your body will instantaneously cleanse itself.

Adapt Lifestyle Changes

While on yeast infection medication, specific lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms and prevent dissociative symptoms. Some of the tips are:

  • Maintaining a clean and dry genital area
  • Do not use scented feminine sprays, fragrances, or powders, as these can disrupt the vaginal microbial balance. 
  • Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear to avoid itchiness and sweating, leading to more yeast growth.
  • After each use, change out of wet bathing suits or workout clothing as soon as possible. 
  • If you have diabetes, you must keep your blood sugar under control.

Diet for yeast infection

Sugar attracts yeast. Your eating habits could be contributing to your yeast infections. Avoiding white flour and rice and foods or drinks fermented with yeast and foods high in simple sugars (also known as a Candida diet) can help reduce yeast growth in the body.

While avoiding these foods may help prevent a yeast infection, sticking to this diet is difficult. Therefore, it may also be beneficial to increase your consumption of healthy proteins and fats and low-starch fruits and vegetables. 

Use Tea Tree Oil 

The antifungal and antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil are extremely valued. This essential oil is effective against a variety of yeasts and fungi. Experts evaluated tea tree oil on Candida Albicans, one of the most common yeasts found in vaginal infections, in the vast majority of the studies reviewed. Tea tree oil vaginal suppositories cure vaginal fungal infections. It is advisable to use Tea tree oil with caution because it can cause skin irritation, and the vaginal walls are susceptible. Inserting diluted tea tree oil tampon into the vagina overnight has helped some women.

Supplements with probiotics

Some probiotic supplements may help to treat yeast infections naturally. These are found in pharmacies and health stores, and online. In addition, some probiotic supplement companies sell products designed specifically for female reproductive health. These aim to restore the vaginal bacterial and yeast balance. The supplements are either taken orally or vaginally inserted.

Natural yogurt

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in natural, unsweetened, unflavored yogurt. These are beneficial to one’s health and aid in restoring the body’s bacterial and yeast balance. According to researchers, specific probiotics may be able to combat some of the yeasts that cause vaginal yeast infection. While some of the studies cited by the reviewers had flaws, many people have reported relief from eating yogurt, applying it to the vulva around the vagina, and inserting it vaginally.

Boric Acid Treatment

Boric acid is a naturally occurring compound with antifungal properties. It contains both probiotics and antioxidants to aid in the restoration of the body’s good bacteria supply. According to a clinical review, boric acid is a safe treatment option for yeast infections, especially when conventional antifungal medication is ineffective. In addition, boric acid may be beneficial for women who have had multiple antifungal prescriptions for chronic yeast infections.

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Regulating Your Menstrual Cycle

According to research published in the journal American Family Physician, approximately 14% of women have irregular periods. It can be nerve-wracking not knowing when you’ll get your period or dealing with spotting continuously, but there are some changes or alterations you can make to regulate your menstrual cycle. It reviews a few key lifestyle factors contributing to hormone imbalances, such as diet, sleep, and stress. After optimizing these areas, you can determine where your cycle naturally falls in the month and how to best support it. However, while there is no magic formula for keeping your menstrual cycle on track, what’s normal for you may differ from what’s regular for other women. But there are a few tips and tricks that can help you regulate your body as much as possible.

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Develop a regular sleep, exercise, and stress-reduction routine.

Most of us know the importance of regulating our sleep to keep our circadian rhythms on track. But staying consistent with your workout sessions is just as important. Exercise helps to remove toxins through sweat and the lymphatic system, helps to balance blood sugar, and lowers cortisol, which can decimate progesterone at persistently elevated levels. Working out (and possibly incorporating mind-body movement like yoga) will improve your mental health. According to one study, anxiety and other stress symptoms are most likely to rise during premenstrual, which can be even more unstable if irregular periods occur.

  1. Include cruciferous vegetables in your diet.

DIM is a component found in cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, and many dark, leafy greens) that helps eliminate estrogen and balance hormones. DIM found in these vegetables has been shown in studies to help metabolize estrogen and reduce the risk of estrogen-sensitive cancers.

3. Incorporate fermented foods into your diet.

Fermented foods, such as kimchi and tempeh, increase your system’s number of good gut bacteria. “This will help balance the astrobleme, the digestive enzyme that helps metabolize estrogen in the intestine, and that proper estrogen balance can help regulate your cycle.”

4. Eat a lot of fiber.

A healthy diet, in general, is essential for maintaining a regular menstrual cycle, but one key macronutrient, in particular, can help you stay regular in more ways than one: fiber. Foods high in fiber (such as cruciferous vegetables, berries, and whole grains) help accelerate estrogen metabolic activity in the gut. Try adding 1 tablespoon of coarsely ground flaxseeds to your morning smoothie for a daily dose of fiber.



Maintaining Overall Vaginal Health

According to doctors, women are often negligent in maintaining proper vaginal health, which is critical to their overall health. It’s crucial to have a basic understanding of keeping your vagina healthy. So, while you trim, wax, bleach, or shave your lady parts, keep essential hygiene tips in mind. Medical experts say that the steps to maintaining vaginal health differ depending on the age group. Vaginal health education should begin as early as childhood. 

Wearing Appropriate Underwear

Experts suggest using Cotton underwear to keep your vaginal area airy and free. Often, we see that our genitals start to stink and discharge weirdly; this can be because your underwear may not always be made of moisture-wicking fabric. Constantly covering the area can also cause moisture to collect, creating a breeding ground for yeast or bacteria. Also, remember to clean off after each time you pee. Doctors advise that you wipe from front to back because this decreases your risk of UTIs.

Avoiding Infections

Doctors advise against having vaginal sex right after an anal without first changing condoms and thoroughly cleaning the area. You expose the organ to various bacteria and infections when you do it backward. Also, don’t go bald entirely down there. Your vaginal hair protects you from a variety of infections. To keep your vagina fit, active, happy, and safe, trim your pubic hair rather than completely removing it. Shaving it ultimately can make your vagina more vulnerable to various issues.

Kegel Exercises 

According to medical experts, Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises, are great for strengthening your muscles daily. The muscles present on the pelvic floor support the womb, bladder, and bowels. Kegel exercises also boost libido and increase the ability to have massive orgasms.

As doctors always point out, your vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism, which means it can clean itself without wipes or washes. The latter can simply eliminate all beneficial bacteria, leaving you vulnerable to yeast infections. They are only suitable for external use.

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The Key Takeaway 

Many women suffer from yeast infections and irregular menstrual cycles due to various factors. There may be a solution for you if you’ve ever suffered from pain, discomfort, or irritation due to these problems. Increased vegetables and probiotics consumption and changes in diet and lifestyle support overall hormone balance and vaginal health. At the same time, stress management may help you get back on track with your menstrual cycle. Without medication, natural treatment can help restore a regular cycle and cure yeast infection. A competent integrative or functional women’s health doctor may be able to assist you in knowing more about your body’s natural genital processes.


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