7 Effective Ways To Burn Belly Fat

November 21, 2021

belly fat

Having a fit and low-fat body is the dream of many; however, losing belly fat is a tedious task. Other than making your clothes tight, the fat tissue around your stomach possesses a greater health risk. These fat tissues around the waist increase the risk of heart disease as well as type 2 diabetes. Additionally, losing extra fat accumulated around your waistline also improves your immune functioning and sleep quality. It’s noteworthy that even people with average weight can get fat tissue around their waist and face the risks associated with it. However, you can lose the fat tissue around your waistline by following a healthy lifestyle coupled with the simple tips mentioned here. These are the 7 practical tips that can help you to gain a trimmed midsection and live longer. 

Belly fat

Image Link: https://pixabay.com/photos/slimming-scales-health-lifestyle-2728331/

  • Stay away from trans food. 

On a wider level, there are two types of trans fat, naturally occurring and artificial trans fat. The naturally occurring trans fat comes from animals. However, artificial trans fat is created by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated fat like in vegetable oil. While natural trans fat doesn’t do much harm, artificial trans fat is worse for your health and has several adverse health issues.  You can find artificial trans fat in fried, packaged, and processed food items. Prolonged use of industrial trans fat can cause inflammation, insulin resistance, heart disease, and fat accumulation around the belly. Thus, if you want to stay fit and healthy, avoid feasting upon fast foods as well as other items containing artificial trans fat. 

Image Link: https://pixabay.com/photos/hamburger-p-french-fries-belly-2683042/

  • Control your sugar consumption: 

Your love for sugar can also be the reason why your waistline is increasing gradually. While sugar and other sweetened drinks add a flavor to life, it is also bad for your health. A diet containing high sugar content is also the reason for weight gain and other health-related complications. Many studies have shown that a diet containing high sugar like fructose can cause fat accumulation around the liver and belly. Additionally, sugar-containing drinks have more calories compared to their solid counterparts. So, when you drink sugary liquids, your body intakes more calories, which get accumulated around the waist. It’s essential to check the labels of health supplements as they also contain refined sugar in varying amounts. For better health, try to cut down sugar consumption as much as possible; however, it doesn’t apply to the whole fruits. 

  • Eat enough soluble fiber diet: 

Fibers are plant-based foods that don’t break down completely. These semi-digested fibers absorb water and help slow down the movement of food while passing through the digestive system. Soluble fibers promote fullness, causing you to eat less and decreasing the calories absorption process in the body. However, not all fibers can help in weight loss; in addition to soluble fiber, you can add viscous fiber to your diet. So, if you want to reduce your belly fat, add fiber-rich items like legumes, avocado, and sprouts to your diet.

  • Eat fewer carbohydrates: 

Carbohydrates are the most easily breakable energy source, due to which they break down first. If you want to lose fat tissues, start by eating less carbohydrate-containing food. The unavailability of carbohydrates will force the body to shift towards fat for energy. Many studies have also pointed out that cutting on carbohydrates decreases the appetite causing loss of weight. 

A low-carb diet also helps in reducing the water weight quickly, showing the effects within days. This can be done by avoiding refined carb products like white bread. 

Similarly, if you want to see faster results, you can also limit your carb consumption to 50 grams in a day, forcing your body to go on ketosis. In ketosis, your body treats fat as the primary fuel, reducing the appetite. 

  • Introduce a protein diet: 

If you want to reduce fat tissues, following a protein diet is maybe the best thing you can do. Research data shows that a protein diet can decrease the appetite by almost 60% and boost metabolism rate up to 80-100 calories per day. By this method, you may save over 400 calories per day. 

Unlike other diets, a protein diet may also help you stop weight regain. According to a study, protein may also help in reducing tummy fat. The study says, “Quality protein intake is inversely related with abdominal fat,” meaning those eating a better protein diet had a low amount of abdominal fat. 

  •  Keep your stress level in check: 

High stress can cause several health problems like heart disease, depression, and much more. Stress can also trigger the adrenal gland, causing the hypersecretion of the cortisol hormone. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone, and research says, high cortisol level plays a vital role in increasing appetite, thus increasing abdominal fat. 

Another research points out that stress affects women more than men, due to which women gain more fat around the waistline. To counter this, it is recommended to take part in pleasurable activities to relieve stress. 

  •  Be physically active: 

Exercising regularly is your best attempt to keep yourself fit and healthy. There are plenty of exercises focused on reducing the fat content from the abdominal area. You can try weight training, cardiovascular exercises, and aerobic exercises like walking, running, and swimming to cut your waistline fat. 

You can also try yoga and other different exercising postures, according to your trainer. Additionally, exercising can also stop regaining fat tissue around the body after weight loss. 


Obesity is one of the most widespread conditions in the world, causing several diseases as well. 

Losing abdominal fat is a tedious and time taking process. You can’t expect to see the instantaneous result in this, and you will need an honest effort and self-perseverance. With a sincere effort, most people can lose most of their belly side fat by following the suggestions above.


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