5 Benefits Of CBD Post Partum

May 20, 2022

cbd and pregnancy

Usage of CBD Post Partum

CBD has numerous advantages, including the ability to help your body regulate itself, which can boost your mood, emotional state, and energy levels. In addition, many women have reported that cbd and pregnancy go hand-in-hand and it has provided them relief by helping to combat nausea, insomnia, and inflammation.


A vaporizer will probably be the best fit if you want to use CBD to alleviate symptoms like nausea and sleep deprivation quickly. It is because it allows CBD to enter the bloodstream instantly. However, a longer-lasting substance, such as CBD oil or a pill, may be preferable for something you can take regularly. 


Since CBD creams or topicals are applied to the skin and do not successfully penetrate the skin barrier to enter the bloodstream, many people believe CBD is safe for new moms to use. This is why cbd and pregnancy are linked together.


They’re also effective for reducing inflammation and irritation in specific pain regions, which is why cbd and pregnancy go hand-in-hand . However, one unintended consequence of giving birth can be feelings of depression that last longer than the baby blues. Experts estimate that one in every seven women suffers from postpartum depression.

PPD can be treated by seeking help as soon as you suspect you need it. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about this frequent ailment. Let’s discuss cbd and pregnancy.




What Are The Postpartum Symptoms, And How Can CBD Relieve Them?


Postpartum depression is a mental illness that occurs shortly after a person gives birth and affects up to 15% of adult women each year, with depressive symptoms lasting up to six months in up to 50% of instances. PPD usually appears four to six weeks after delivery, although it can appear at any moment within the first year—some studies have found it can even appear four years after birth.


PPD is not confused with postpartum blues, which affects up to 80% of new mothers. The latter refers to the anxiety and exhaustion that accompany childbirth. Baby blues symptoms are usually modest and only last a few weeks.

PPD, on the other hand, lasts significantly longer and harms a person’s capacity to function correctly.

Baby blues and postpartum depression differ in time, as the blues last two weeks post-delivery, whereas PPD lasts longer.



Postpartum Depression Causes

According to a study, genetics, rapid changes in reproductive hormones, a lack of sleep and its impact on overall well-being, and psychological and social life stressors are all thought to play a part in the development of PPD.


In addition to the social changes, there is a considerable decline in reproductive hormones like progesterone and estrogen compared to pregnancy,” Doctors say. It influences the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, which reduces cortisol levels, causing it impugning to understand the sentiment, motivation, and other natural characteristics.


According to Maria Facadio Antero, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at Conceptions Florida, other risk factors for PPD include the following


  • Depression in the past
  • Postnatal stress is high, and there is a lack of social and economic assistance following birth.
  • Breastfeeding challenges
  • Pregnancy-related anxiety
  • Domestic violence in the past
  • An unpleasant birth experience



Usage Of CBD Post Partum

When at least five depression symptoms are present for at least two weeks, PPD is diagnosed. PPD is not classified as a separate diagnosis by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) but rather as a significant depressive episode during pregnancy or within one month of delivery. Symptoms of PPD include:


  • Weight gain or appetite changes
  • Sleeping problems, such as difficulty falling asleep, keeping asleep, or sleeping more than normal
  • Weight gain or appetite changes
  • Loss of enthusiasm for previously pleasurable activities
  • Lack of motivation or energy
  • Feeling insignificant, hopeless, or guilty
  • Feeling disconnected from your child Suspicions of harming yourself or your child
  • Depression for most of the day.
  • Anxiety and annoyance feelings


Postpartum psychosis occurs in 2.6 out of 1,000 newborns, albeit less prevalent. Delusions, paranoia, and suicidal ideation are possible indications of this psychiatric emergency. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor right once.


Experts suggest Psychotherapy or talk therapy with some antidepressant medicines to treat postpartum depression for persons with moderate to severe symptoms.


Physicians frequently prescribe selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat PPD, although there is an FDA-approved drug (brexanolone) for this illness. Experts continually assess the patient’s intention to breastfeed their infant and discuss the relative threat and benefits.


Aromatherapy, music therapy, and hippotherapy are among more treatment approaches demonstrated to help with PPD.




5 Benefits Of CBD For Postpartum

Let’s discuss the top 5 benefits of CBD usage for postpartum below:


Reduces the production of cortisol 

During stress, our body produces cortisol hormone, which isn’t harmful in and of itself; instead, it exists to assist you.

However, we’re frequently bombarded with cortisol in our fast-paced society, which isn’t ideal. Chronic anxiety, high blood pressure, migraines, and weight gain are all symptoms of excessive cortisol levels (particularly in your abdomen, where we need it the least).

CBD can help you lose weight by lowering cortisol levels and improving your mood, sleep, and blood pressure, which is why cbd and pregnancy are interlinked.


Manages Postpartum Depression

As soon as you become a parent, everything in your life changes. You’re overcome with joy at the prospect of raising, teaching, and sending this tiny person out into the world, but you’re also afraid.


For many reasons like hormonal changes, health concerns, parental worries, a deficiency of support, etc., new parents develop postpartum depression. As a result, some people are ashamed of themselves for not being joyful enough. Others seek assistance but are met with stigma and condemnation.


You can treat postpartum depression in the comfort of your own home with CBD oil. CBD has been found in numerous trials to help with depression symptoms.


Anhedonia Is a condition where patients cannot feel happy, which is the most challenging aspect of postpartum depression for many new parents. CBD, for example, was found to increase happiness in rats in a 2016 study. In addition, several other animal research suggests that CBD is an effective antidepressant that can boost motivation and reduce feelings of hopelessness. Cbd and pregnancy go hand-in-hand due to these benefits.


Improves Sleep Quality

Many new parents face a sleeplessness paradox: the baby may be awake for up to half the night crying and nursing, yet you may find it difficult to fall asleep when the baby does. As a result, sleeplessness and exhaustion are common side effects. Unfortunately, this also means that a screaming newborn will likely disrupt any sleep you get. It’s enough to make anyone believe they’ve gone insane.


CBD has several sleep-related advantages. It can assist you in falling asleep more quickly and sleeping more peacefully. In addition, CBD can help if you have problems with REM sleep, the critical stage of sleep when dreams help you digest the day’s events.


For parents whose babies wake them up every time they drift into a dream, a few drops of CBD oil may be all that’s needed to help the brain recover from the disruption. CBD may also help people feel more alert during the day.


Reduce Nausea And Fatigue

The benefits of CBD for cancer patients are the subject of much of the research on CBD and nausea. However, chemotherapy frequently causes nausea and vomiting as a side effect.

CBD interacts with serotonin receptors. Therefore it may aid in alleviating nausea. In addition, this hormone impacts how you feel, specifically your mood and overall well-being. CBD helping with mood boosting is one of the major reasons of linking cbd and pregnancy.

While CBD may help with nausea, experts believe that THC, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, does the bulk of the work for nausea and vomiting relief.

Human studies have also shown that combining CBD and THC can help those undergoing chemotherapy feel better.

Chemotherapy might also influence your appetite, which can be helped by cannabis.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two synthetic cannabis-derived medications for chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting. They are Nabilone and Dronabinol.


Increases Appetite

CBD does not make you hungry directly, but it can make you hungry indirectly. According to Forbes magazine, CBD oil can enhance your appetite by reducing factors like nausea, which can otherwise disrupt a healthy appetite.

CBD is well-known for its increased health properties.

CBD, for example, offers numerous medical advantages like relieving nausea, reducing anxiety, and strengthening the digestive tract.

Do you have a strong desire to eat when you have these symptoms? As a result, CBD products, such as CBD oil, may aid in the restoration of your appetite, which is, however, proof that CBD increases hunger.

Children and adults who require medication for specific disorders (cancer, depression, epilepsy, etc.) or who must endure chemotherapy are provided CBD oil with a high THC content that the FDA has approved. As a result, you may lose weight due to certain conditions.

Many of these illnesses cause people’s appetites to diminish, losing weight quickly.

When more significant levels of THC in CBD oil are administered, it has been shown to enhance cravings and encourage weight gain to offset weight loss.


Reasons for cannabidiol use: a cross-sectional study of CBD users, focusing on self-perceived stress, anxiety, and sleep problems | Journal of Cannabis Research | Full Text



What Is The Correct Dosage For Postpartum Mothers?

There are no rules regarding how to use CBD. Depending on the form, each product functions differently.

Putting the oil beneath your tongue can cause benefits faster than taking a pill that must be digested.


Here are a few different methods to consume CBD:


  • Place one or more drops of CBD oils under your tongue and hold for 30 to 60 seconds without swallowing. A spritzed spray can also be used in your mouth/under your tongue.
  • Chewing a CBD gummy or taking a pill


There is no such thing as a “proper” CBD dosage. Your needs and your desired outcomes will determine the amount you take and the form you choose. However, the typical dose is between 5 and 25 mg.

Most oils come in 30-milliliter (mL) vials with a dropper lid to make measuring easier.

Some tinctures, for example, have concentrations of 1,500 mg per 30 mL, while others have concentrations of 3,000 mg per mL or more. In the case of CBD gummies, 1 gummy can be enough initially. 


How to Calculate CBD Oil Dose

To define an accurate dose of CBD, recognize that per drop of oil has 0.05 mL of liquid. So a 30-mL bottle of CBD oil will have about 600 slides.


If the tincture concentration is 1,500 mg/mL, each drop contains 2.5 mg of CBD. So the math to figure that out looks like this: 1,500 mg ÷ 600 drops = 2.5 mg.


Final Thoughts

When a tiny child relies on you, safety is more important than ever. Unfortunately, some parents are concerned about linking cbd and pregnancy or postpartum. Many agencies have published statements cautioning against CBD, which doesn’t help. On the other hand, these assertions are based on fear and prejudice rather than research. When taken in modest or moderate amounts, there is no evidence that CBD is dangerous.

Nowadays, hemp plants are used for various purposes. Some species are bred specifically for marijuana, while others are utilized to create CBD products. Furthermore, because the THC concentration in quality CBD is negligible or nonexistent, it will not get you high, which means you can use it safely while driving or looking after youngsters.

While there are several claims regarding the health advantages of CBD, there is little data to back them up. Much research is conducted on animals rather than humans.

If you’re interested in CBD, you should first learn about the various doses and methods available.

Consult your healthcare provider before using CBD. You may not be able to use these goods if you are taking certain drugs or have a health condition.


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