5 Best Outdoor HIIT Workout Routine For A Healthy Body

August 1, 2022

outdoor hiit workout

HIIT interval training is a fantastic way to enhance your fitness levels and alter your body composition. It’s also ideal for breaking up the monotony of running on the treadmill or Stairmaster at the same speed for an extended time (steady-state cardio). However, you may find yourself in a cardio training slump or require a brief but efficient cardio workout on occasion. With HIIT, the possibilities are limitless, allowing you to intensify your workout with varying rates and muscle activation patterns.

 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the most popular fitness concepts of the 21st century, popularized by well-known gyms and group fitness companies. The challenging combination of cardiovascular and muscle training allows you to burn calories quickly and for an extended time. You’ve come to the right place if you seek the most effective HIIT exercises for the outdoors.

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What Are The Best Outdoor HIIT Workouts?

Lower body HIIT

Gather your resistance bands, a seat or step, and an outdoor space. Begin by performing a dynamic warm-up with an emphasis on your legs. Lower-body exercises such as lunges, banded lateral walks, air squats, and high knees are terrific to warm up and prepare your muscles.

Since it will be challenging, you should ensure that your muscles are completely active and warmed up before beginning this workout. You must perform the following for the lower body HIIT exercises:

 * Banded air squats x 30

 * Alternating jumping lunges x 20 (per leg)

 * Bulgarian split squats x 20 (per leg)

 * On a bench or step, perform 25 toe taps (per leg)

 * Pause for a minute

 * Repetition 3-4 times

 The Bulgarian split squat is an exercise for a single leg that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. For banded air squats, position the band just above your knees and ensure that you press your knees outward throughout the exercise. Your knees shouldn’t buckle. You ought to feel the burn in your glutes.

Try Bulgarian jump squats to increase the difficulty and elevate your heart rate. Start in a lunge position to perform alternating jump lunges. Perform 20 repetitions on each side while keeping your weight on the heel of your front (working) leg. Continue for 20 reps on each leg. As you emerge from your first lunge, hop up and change legs.

Toe taps on a bench or step should be performed similarly to a high knee run. Begin by standing shoulder-width apart in front of the bench or step. Tap the bench with your toe whenever you raise a knee. Alternate toe taps by bringing the opposing foot to the bench after each fixture. Always watch your heart rate closely and stay within the calculated ranges. You can always add more repetitions if you’re not reaching 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Upper body HIIT

As previously reported, the defining characteristic of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is frequent, all-out bursts of effort that spike your heart rate interspersed with intervals of recovery. The objective throughout these work periods is to achieve maximum performance. Upper body HIIT exercises are terrific for building a good sweat while giving extra attention to your back, shoulders, and arms.

Many athletes like to alternate between intense efforts and shorter recuperation periods. (In actual HIIT, work intervals are typically brief and all-out, followed by recovery periods typically two to three times longer.) However, most workouts for the general public are referred to as HIIT interval training or circuit training.

This exercise requires only an empty area and a step or bench. Let’s begin with the HIIT! This exercise will consist of:

 * 25 Bench dips

 * Burpees with push-ups times 20

 * 60 seconds of static low plank hold

 * Shoulder taps with push-ups x 20 (a shoulder tap followed by one push-up equals one repetition) 

* Rest for 60 seconds until 60 to 65 percent of your maximum heart rate is reached.

 * Repeat three to four times. If you’re not reaching 80 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, perform more repetitions. Concentrating on breathing and pushing as hard as possible while performing this workout is advisable. 

Your heart rate will be pounding following your repetitions, so focus on your breath. Repeat each exercise four to five times with maximum effort!

Burpee squat jumps – Total body

In this exercise, you’ll want to ensure adequate space to do your leaps, preferably in a park or a spacious backyard. Warm up and prepare your body for exercise by beginning with dynamic stretching. Start with walking lunges, air squats, jump squats, and a few push-ups to get the blood pumping. This hard HIIT training will require a warm body.

How to begin?

 * Begin in a squat posture.

* Leap forward with both legs moving simultaneously and land in a squat position.

* Exercise one burpee.

* Leap forward into a squat position and repeat after jumping from one burpee.

Perform as many repetitions of the burpee squat leaps until your heart rate hits 80% of your maximum heart rate. Rest until your heart rate returns to the 60 to 65 percent range. Repeat for 20 minutes The following muscle groups will be targeted during this workout:

 * Quadriceps

* Glutes

* Calf Muscles

* Chest

* Shoulders

* Abdominals


Don’t be hesitant to try one of these fantastic outdoor HIIT workouts when you feel like your HIIT routine could use a slight variation. These exercises are excellent for targeting all muscle groups and elevating the heart rate to gain muscle and burn fat.

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Importance of Working Out Daily:

It promotes fascia elasticity.

Fascia is a connective tissue with multiple bodily functions, including supporting, stabilizing, and protecting your bones and muscles. It has been revealed that when you sit for extended periods, the fascia loses its supportive, elastic qualities, and muscles can become neurologically inhibited, so they don’t contract or release when needed.

Exercise is perhaps the most underutilized antidepressant. According to Williams, daily exercise can increase fascia suppleness, even if it’s just a brief fascia workout or a 10-minute joint stretch. It is a fantastic stress reliever. Despite the apparent physical health benefits of exercise, it is also essential for mental wellness.

Clinical investigations indicate that physical activity is comparable to medication and psychotherapy in alleviating depression symptoms.

It aids with digestive health.

Like the association between sleep and exercise, gut health and exercise have a symbiotic connection. Prioritizing daily micro-movements improve gut health by strengthening the digestive system. The volume of blood redirected away from your digestive system diminishes due to exercising. In other words, a healthier gut may also enhance physical performance.

You will be likely to eat healthily.

Exercise and a healthy diet go hand in hand for many individuals. “If you’ve just exercised, you’ve made a conscious investment in your health and are more likely to pass up the potato chips in favor of a healthier option. Moreover, regular exercise may also help you practice moderation with alcohol after dinner and late-night nibbles. 

Exercise boosts self-confidence. The belief that they lack athleticism or coordination is one of the primary reasons many people avoid exercising. However, once the exercise program gets initiated, these individuals discover that they can undoubtedly exercise successfully, gaining muscle tone and strength and enhancing their stamina and emotional well-being.

These discoveries are quite empowering. This greater self-confidence and improved sense of well-being eventually become the driving factor that encourages people to maintain their fitness regimen.

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4 Tips To Have A Productive HIIT Session:

Please don’t overdo it.

Trainers advise not to, you know, cross the line and exceed your physical limitations. Lactic acid fatigue and a rise in heart rate are obstacles to overcome when performing HIIT exercises. “This is very common, but it may intimidate first-time visitors. “Assess what your body is capable of and when you can push the boundaries.”

Thus, if you’re not acclimated to HIIT, you shouldn’t go all out during your first session. You want to be at a spot where you can get your heart rate close to its maximum and drop back down, and you can recover during the rest period.

Modify when necessary

“Each exercise has the potential to be modified. Generally, instructors may provide changes to motions that may appear advanced. Thus it is beneficial for beginners to experiment with these alterations. 

Be conscious of your boundaries and make your fitness work for you.” Moreover, In HIIT training, the most common error is undoubtedly a miscalculation of intensity. It will determine if you wish to learn how to perform HIIT effectively and achieve significant benefits. The most important thing to understand about intensity is that you must complete at or near-maximum capacity.”

High intensity is not a name for nothing. Instead of focusing on resistance, the idea is to increase speed. It will help you to gain aerobic benefits – remember, this is not muscle training. For HIIT to be effective, your work intervals should require between 85 and 95 percent of your maximal effort. This indicates that you shouldn’t be able to maintain a conversation while performing it. If you can, you are not working hard enough. 

After your “on” interval, you should be fatigued and have heavy breathing. The benefit of HIIT is that you can recover after exerting yourself to the maximum. Utilize this knowledge if you have difficulty pushing yourself to the limit to succeed.


Number of weekly occurrences

Once per week of HIIT is an excellent starting point. It jolts your body into action, perplexing where the exercise came from. Keeping your body engaged is a fantastic method for avoiding a plateau. You can gradually increase the number of HIIT sessions each week. Two HIIT sessions each week, lasting 30 minutes, would be an excellent long-term aim. 

The rationale for this is that by obtaining 30 to 40 minutes per week above 90 percent of maximal heart rate, you maximize the advantages of HIIT with minimal danger of overtraining and injury. Considering that for every 2 minutes of HIIT training, you are projected to accomplish 1 minute above 90 percent max HR, doing 60 minutes of HIIT training per week would place you about 30 minutes above HIIT alone.

Number of Cycles

The benefit of HIIT is that workouts do not have to be lengthy. Often, 10 minutes can make a significant difference. You might not be competent to do much more after reaching your physical limits. It is advisable to limit HIIT workouts to 30 minutes at the most. Otherwise, you may overwork your body, making you more susceptible to injury.

Try to complete sufficient cycles for a 10-minute workout when you first begin (not including warm-up and cooldown). If this seems complicated, you should aim for five on-off cycles. You can still add a few more cycles if it’s not challenging enough. Try increasing the duration of your workout by 5 minutes every few weeks.

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Remember that safety is always very essential. Outdoor workouts can entail risk due to weather conditions, trail or track instability, and dangers of traffic or dangerous regions. However, outdoor workouts can bring you numerous rewards. Bodyweight activities that happen outdoors are just the way nature intended. Take in the beauty of being able to work out outside.

Breathe the fresh air, take in the beautiful surroundings, and appreciate your ability to move your beautiful body. The benefits of HIIT are evident, and by incorporating these workouts into their daily routines, your customers may reap the benefits. High-intensity interval training is a flexible and handy method for achieving results and maintaining motivation in less time.



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